2025 Best Software Awards are Live! Discover the best
Discover the bestApril 19, 2023
by Stephen Hoops / April 19, 2023
Pivots in business happen all the time. But there’s nothing better when a pivot has unlimited potential for success and tremendous growth.
That’s precisely the opportunity the team at Mine knew they had in front of them. The company made a big splash with their privacy software that gave consumers the power to have greater control over their personal data using the MineApp. However, it was difficult to ignore how many businesses were also reaching out with their own pain points with managing user personal data, extending to the organization’s data practices and ongoing management.
With the launch of MineOS, their platform for businesses, the team had an immense challenge – expanding into the world of B2B software. Their offerings solve numerous private data issues and help companies strengthen their privacy programs, from small businesses to enterprise organizations.
Since marketing to businesses is entirely different from consumers, Mine found themselves as a newcomer in a market full of established brands. The company needed to figure out how to build on a concept for which they were big advocates: trust.
With greater revenue-earning potential and a product that addressed some serious pain points, expanding to target B2B audiences was a no-brainer for a high-growth startup like Mine. The team knew that gaining traction in their new market would come down to growing awareness and proving their worth to prospective buyers.
Or Baram
Senior Acquisition Manager at Mine
When the team sought to uncover and understand their target buyers, they began researching software review sites. But after talking with industry colleagues and customers, it became apparent that as the world’s largest marketplace for software, G2 stood out above all the rest.
After taking the leap and expanding into a new market, the team at Mine partnered with G2 to:
The team accepted that the road ahead was long and their presence on G2 would be critical to their success. Mine got to work and began to prioritize review collection from their customers. The team built a strong foundation in no time, and they would soon see their hard work pay off.
Customers were happy, and Mine’s performance on G2 reflected this. Mine scored its first set of badges and placed high on the G2 Grid Report across several of their target software categories, including data privacy management, data governance, and more.
But becoming a leader on G2 was just the beginning. The team became inspired by their performance and strategized on how to take things further by showing off their badges with pride.
It’s important to remember that awareness and trust were crucial components of their marketing strategy, but they also needed to see how those reviews would translate into revenue. Backed by the support of their team at G2, Mine put together a plan to get even more out of their presence there.
The team at Mine was all-in. They knew that their success on G2 could further enhance their marketing efforts. But they also knew that G2 had a wealth of data they could leverage to take things to the next level. Mine partnered with G2 to:
First, Mine made sure the accolades they were receiving on G2 became integral to their website, content, and sales collateral.
“G2 made it easy for us to create collateral and content assets backed by real data.”
Or Baram
Senior Acquisition Manager at Mine
To amplify their success on G2, Mine utilized the G2 Content Subscription. They licensed G2 Grid Reports and leader badges and used them in several ways. Mine:
Social proof is core to their messaging, and Mine has become a best-in-class example of how to utilize content from G2. With the number of badges they receive every report crossing 100 badges, and customer satisfaction maintained at the highest level, they continue to rely on certified proof from G2.
Mine also looked to G2 Buyer Intent data to get unique insights into the types of buyers indicating high intent. This was incredibly valuable for their sales team to align on the sorts of companies that fit their ideal buyer persona and to begin outreach on those opportunities.
“Like other sites, G2 connects us with small businesses,” said Baram. “But more importantly, we know that G2 also connects us with mid-market and enterprise buyers.”
In addition, to streamline their use of G2’s intent data, Mine activated several G2 partner integrations:
Company buy-in beyond the marketing team meant that all of Mine saw the value in their presence on G2. By leveraging these different solutions, Mine was about to see the fruits of their labors.
Trust is an essential part of Mine’s DNA. The team saw the potential of leveraging social proof to strengthen their messaging and set themselves apart from established competitors. They had the utmost confidence their product was helping customers by focusing on automation and simplicity (setting MineOS apart from legacy solutions in various criteria like the time to go live), and their commitment to collecting reviews would pay off in a big way.
Today, G2 is a consistent, reliable channel fueling their revenue growth. “We needed to get relevant traffic,” said Baram. “And we found that our audience is very much going through G2 in their journey.”
Since partnering with G2, Mine reports that they saw a 4x increase in marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and that leads from G2 are 2x more likely to convert than from other channels. Furthermore, their G2 profile typically generates an average of 2 leads per week, and about 15% of deals won are sourced from G2.
more MQLs as a result of the partnership with G2
higher rate of conversion for G2 leads than other channels
of deals won were sourced directly from G2
It’s clear to see that their position as a leader on G2 created a snowball effect. Consistent efforts in collecting reviews and using G2 Grid Reports in their content and sales assets to establish trust have furthered their position in the market while also impacting revenue goals.
When asked what advice he would give to other businesses looking to see how G2 can benefit them, Or Baram from the Mine team admits that it can be tough when you have limited resources to work with.
“You have to try to understand the impact G2 can have on your business, even if that initial investment seems like the world to a small business or a high-growth startup,” said Baram. “It’s a process, but you have to have patience and put in the work to get results.”
Unleash the power of social proof to win over more buyers. Explore how G2 Marketing Solutions can help you gain a competitive advantage and close more deals.
Stephen Hoops is a former Sr. Content Marketing Specialist at G2. He focused on creating content that helps tech industry sales professionals and B2B SaaS marketers find success with G2 products such as Buyer Intent, Review Generation, and more. After receiving his B.A. in Journalism from West Virginia University in 2013, he has helped countless B2B brands reach new highs through content creation and SEO. When not nerding out about the artistry behind well-written copy, Stephen can be found info-dumping about homemade cocktails, Italian cuisine, and why vinyl is the superior physical medium for music.
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