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Content and Data
Usage Guidelines

Last Updated on Feb 12, 2025

These Content and Data Usage Guidelines Guidelines  supplement the G2 Terms of Use and are legally binding on all users of G2 websites, platforms, mobile applications. As a condition for using G2, you must be a business or professional user and must comply with these Content and Data Usage Guidelines, the Terms of Use, and applicable law. G2 is for professional and business users only. 

We may modify these Content and Data Usage Guidelines to, for example, reflect changes to the law, changes to our sites, or changes to our business. If you do not agree to these Content and Data Usage Guidelines or any modified version of these Content and Data Usage Guidelines that we may post in the future, you must discontinue your use of our sites, platforms, APIs and applications that incorporate or link to these Content and Data Usage Guidelines.


  1. Keep ratings authentic. You must use a LinkedIn™ account, verified business email address, or other G2 selected platform to validate your G2 reviewer’ identity and current employer. We also validate reviewers by partnering with sellers and organizations to securely authenticate users through select platforms. 
  2. Comply with FTC Guidelines. Comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s expanded guidelines and reference them regularly when using G2 including but not limited to the following:
    • Featuring Online Customer Reviews: A Guide for Platforms.
    • Soliciting and Paying for Online Reviews: A Guide for Marketers
    • What companies – and platforms – can do to help stop fake post-for-pay reviews
    • Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
  3. Keep it real. Accurately present yourself and your level of experience with the software, service, or hardware. Reviews that speak to specific situations and use cases are much more relevant and valuable than those that do not. For software, mention the level of experience you have with the tool, any integrations you use in conjunction, or any unique use-cases you’re addressing with the tool you’re reviewing. For hardware, mention your set-up and what other systems the product interacts with at your company. For services, mention the length of your engagement, the level of interaction, or anything else you think would help others evaluating similar providers.
  4. Review for the reader. Your review could help someone choose a new software, service, or hardware. In your review, include details you would be looking for if you were in need of the same type of solution. The more informative the review, the more attention it attracts and the more credible you appear. Your unique insights will be more helpful than the opinions of an analyst or consultant because you have firsthand experience in a business environment.
  5. Aim for balance. Even if you love what you’re reviewing, it’s probably not perfect. Your review can include glowing recommendations and commentary on favorite aspects, but be sure to mention anything that could use improvement. People are likely to place less trust in overwhelmingly positive (or overwhelmingly negative) reviews because they do not present a balanced and realistic account of the user experience.
  6. Stay current. If you haven’t used a software, service, or hardware in more than two years, refrain from submitting a review of it. B2B technology can change drastically in a relatively short amount of time.
  7. At your option, grant access to LinkedIn™ connections. By granting access to your LinkedIn™ connections, you are able to see reviews written by your first-degree connections; this empowers you to then reach out to your connections for more information on the technology they use.
  8. Use your real identity. Use your real name and identity when posting!
  9. Share your own content. Anything taken from another source must be properly attributed and legally yours to share.
  10. Respect each other. By using this platform, you are agreeing to treat other users with respect. We have no tolerance for content that harasses an individual or group based on race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, political group, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Abusive behavior will not be tolerated.
  11. Respect the platform. Only post meaningful content, don’t use deceptive means to generate traffic, post unsolicited promotions, and don’t manipulate content. Violators will be banned.
  12. Talk it out. We encourage different opinions. If someone has answered a question and you have a different solution, please feel free to share it! Engaging in respectful dialogue makes the entire community better.
  13. Tell the story. When participating in conversation, it’s helpful to share the background behind why you are asking something, or how you came to find an answer. The more you expand on your questions and responses, the better your peers will be able to understand where you’re coming from.
  14. Edit Posts. Users may edit their posts to reflect changing circumstances or understanding.
  15. Share landing pages in closed forums or communities. One of the best ways to share landing pages is through closed forums or communities that are accessible only to customers. These forums can be a great way to engage with your customers and get them to leave reviews. By sharing the landing pages in a closed environment, you can ensure that only customers have access to them, and you can ensure that the reviews are from legitimate users.
  16. Share landing pages directly with customers through email or direct messages. Another way to share landing pages is by sending them directly to customers through email or direct messages. This can be a good way to personalize the message and get customers to leave reviews. By sending the landing pages directly, you can also verify that the reviews are from legitimate users.
  17. Share landing pages in private social media groups. If you have a private social media group that is accessible only to customers, you can share the landing pages there. This can be a good way to engage with your customers and build a community around your product or service. By sharing the landing pages in a private group, you can verify that the reviews are from legitimate users.
  18. Share landing pages with partners and affiliates. You may also share the landing pages with your partners and affiliates who can then share them with their customers. This can be a good way to expand your reach and get more reviews. However, ’’sharing landing pages publicly can lead to them becoming compromised.  Compromised in this sense means they become targets of users or groups looking to exploit them for gift cards that are offered. They can trigger non-customers leaving reviews with malicious intent, which can harm your reputation. Therefore, it’s crucial to only share the landing pages in secure and closed environments where  only customers can have access. ’
  19. Republish Badges. If you have earned a G2 Badge, you may republish the badge, provided that all such digital republications backlink to the G2 page for your applicable product or service and you comply with all attribution requirements. 
  20. Republish Star Rating. You may republish and share the aggregated Star Rating of your applicable product(s) and/or service(s) on the G2 Site, provided you provide a backlink to the applicable profile page on G2.com and attribute the Star Rating to G2 as follows: “Source: G2.com, Inc.”
  21. Give us attribution. If you would like to include G2 or cite our data points on social media or in an article, press release, or public statement, attribute such reference or content to “G2” in every instance. Link to the reference or content on G2.com whenever possible. If your article, press release, or public statement is basing analyses and claims in part or wholly on G2 content or data, contact us at press@g2.com for review and approval of the relevant statement prior to publication. If you reference a specific G2 blog post, be certain to link to the URL.
  22. Reference your position. You may reference your position (i.e., “Leader,” “High Performer,” “Contender,” or “Niche”) on the then-current Grid® Report (as distinguishable from the real-time Grid® available on the Category page), Compare Report, or other G2 report, provided that such reference contains a backlink to the applicable gated Grid® Report, Compare Report, or other G2 report and relevant Category page. You may reference your position (if applicable) in G2’s real-time rankings (e.g., “Highest Rated” and “Easiest to Use”), provided that such reference contains a backlink to the applicable Category page. If you have applied any filters, you must backlink to the filtered rankings, and include relevant details related to any such filters. For example, if your product is the #1 “Highest Rated” mid-market marketing automation product in Latin America, you must include the relevant company size and/or regional segmented data when referencing such position.
  23. Share aggregated star rating. You may republish and share the aggregated Star Rating of your product(s) and/or service(s) on the G2 Site, provided that you include a backlink to the applicable profile page on G2.com and that you attribute the Star Rating to G2.
  24. If you have licensed a G2 report, attribute the report and any underlying data to G2. In your attribution, include the season, Category, and report type. For example, if you have licensed a Summer 2019 Small Business Grid® Report for CRM, you must include the relevant season, company size, and Category name.
  25. If you republish and share the aggregated Star Rating of your products and services, attribute the Star Rating as follows: “Source: G2.com, Inc.”
  26. Refer to G2's trademarks in word form only to describe accurately how your products or services relate to G2 products or services.
  27. Make clear that your products and services are not offered, sponsored or endorsed by G2.
  28. Take steps to restrict government employees from being eligible to receive gift cards when leaving reviews.  

If you are a seller, DO also:

  1. Get involved. All sellers have an opportunity to take advantage of being part of G2’s community. They can be listed on the site and update profile details, screenshots, and more about their offering.
  2. Gather reviews.  We encourage all sellers to ask their customers to leave reviews with authentic, unbiased feedback. If G2 finds evidence of a seller soliciting only positive reviews, we will remove the reviews. 
  3. Start conversations. We encourage sellers to engage in a dialogue with users and we provide them with the opportunity to respond publicly to discussions on their profile. If a post contains inaccurate or negative commentary, we invite sellers to provide their perspective and address the user’s comments in this forum.
  4. Keep us honest. All G2 users have the ability to report a concern on a review. We do not edit or remove reviews at a seller’s request or act as fact-finders to facilitate disputes between sellers and G2 users; however, we do encourage all users to submit concerns for reviews that seem fake, out of place, or to come from a biased source.


  1. Post reviews on products or services offered by your current employers or their competitors or products or services offered by your former employers.
  2. Pay-to-play. Sellers may not influence ratings, placement, sort order, etc.
  3. Use this Site or its contents for any commercial purpose without our express written permission.
  4. Access, monitor, or copy any content or information of this Site using any robot, spider, scraper, or other automated means or any manual process for any purpose without our express written permission.
  5. Generate automated, fraudulent, or otherwise invalid reviews, questions, comments, lead conversions, clicks, or other actions, or induce any third-party to do so. 
  6. Republish reviews posted on another seller’s G2 profile.
  7. Republish the aggregated Star Rating of another seller’s products or services.
  8. Republish, in whole or in part, any G2 Report without a license.
  9. Violate the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers on this Site or bypass or circumvent other measures employed to prevent or limit access to this Site.
  10. Take any action that imposes, or may impose, in our discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure.
  11. Deep-link to any portion of this Site for any purpose without our express written permission.
  12. Frame”, “mirror”, or otherwise incorporate any part of this Site into any other website or mobile application without our prior written authorization.
  13. Attempt to modify, translate, adapt, edit, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software programs used by G2 in connection with this Site or the content we provide.
  14. Log in using an alias that masks your true identity, or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the G2 Community and/or website.
  15. Collect and disclose any private information of any person within the G2 Community.
  16. Post job postings, solicitations, or other advertisements, without our express written permission.
  17. Collect reviews by any method that segments out potentially negative reviews or exclusively targets positive reviews.
  18. Condition incentives on reviews being positive or discourage negative reviews of your product or service.
  19. Violate the G2 Terms of Use.  
  20. Alter Badges. You may not alter, or otherwise modify a badge in any manner. For example, you may not alter the colors of the badge for any purposes.
  21. Republish, alter, abridge, or otherwise modify any G2 Reports. This includes, but is not limited to, any Grid® Reports, Compare Reports, Momentum Reports and/or Index Reports. If you have licensed a G2 Report, you must attribute the report and any underlying data to G2. In your attribution, you must include the season, Category, and report type. For example, if you have licensed a Summer 2019 Small Business Grid® Report for CRM, you would be required to include the relevant season, company size, and Category name.
  22. Reference any of the underlying data points, including “Satisfaction” rating and/or “Market Presence” when referencing your position.
  23. Republish, in full or any excerpt thereof, any reviews of any products or services on G2.com, even if such review was solicited by you.
  24. Screenshot any portion of the G2 website for any purpose.
  25. Resell or otherwise exploit for commercial gain any content or data from the G2.com site (and any subdomains thereof) except as expressly permitted by G2.
  26. Scrape the G2 Site. Any use, whether commercial or noncommercial, of any content or data that has been scraped from G2.com (and any subdomains thereof) is unauthorized.
  27. Mislead anyone that any G2 chatbot generated output is human generated.
  28. Include any personally identifiable information in G2 chatbot inputs.
  • Include in any G2 chatbot inputs any content that expresses or promotes hate, harassment, or violence, exploits or harms children, encourages self-harm, presents illegal, sexual, political, harmful, false, deceiving or misleading information, misuses personal data, contains malware, unsolicited bulk content, ransomware, viruses, or other software.
  • Use the G2 logo or any G2 trademarks without a license or other written contractual permission. If you would like permission to use the G2 logo or other trademarks, please contact us at legal@g2.com

If you would like to use G2’s content or data in a manner that is not expressly authorized or prohibited hereunder, you may contact us at legal@g2.com with your request and we will review your request, each on a case-by-case basis, and approve or decline your request, in our sole discretion. Please note that any permission to use any G2 content or data that is granted by G2 may be revoked or modified in G2’s sole discretion at any time.

Except as expressly permitted herein, G2 grants no license or right to you to republish, share, duplicate, abridge or otherwise modify any G2 Content. “G2 Content” means the website(s) owned and operated by G2, reviews, reports, derivative works, and anything provided by G2 in connection with the services G2 provides.