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How SmartBug Media Supercharged Growth with G2’s Intent Data and a Unique Strategy

October 21, 2024

stephen lackey smartbug media

Marketers often have a lot of data at their fingertips. But it isn’t the amount of data available, it’s what you do with it. And with only 5% of buyers are in-market at any given time, it’s crucial that the right data be used at the right time.

SmartBug Media, a leading digital agency within G2’s HubSpot Consulting Services page, known for its focus on results-driven strategies and execution, is a great example of knowing how and when to use data to make a huge difference.

Stephen Lackey, VP of Marketing at SmartBug Media, shares insights into how his team utilizes G2 Buyer Intent to initiate and drive robust marketing strategies, leading to substantial financial gains and improved prospect and customer engagement.

Choosing G2 and Buyer Intent Data

SmartBug Media first started using and seeing success with G2 Buyer Intent data working with one of their clients, Qtrac. Qtrac didn’t have a launched website but wanted demand generation – what they did have however was a SmartBug built G2 profile. While SmartBug Media launched a long term demand generation program, in the short term they focused on scoring high placement within the Queue Management Systems software category on G2.

Once a profile was set up within that category for Qtrac, SmartBug Media started to leverage G2 Buyer Intent Data and began prospecting the companies they knew were researching Qtrac and its competitors on G2.

After seeing the success Qtrac was having, SmartBug Media knew they needed to implement this tactic in their own playbook.. They knew that reviews were important, so their first tactic was to stay agile and pivot current strategies for a few months and build their own unique review strategy campaign that drove over 70 reviews within a short period of time. Lackey shared, “I started a program called that incentivized my teammates for every review that came in. Within 2 months we had 70 new reviews and had moved to number one in our category.” 

From there, SmartBug Media built a series of HubSpot workflows where they took data from G2, in overnight batches, and automatically organized it by specific company tech stacks and buyer activities. Once they integrated this strategy with HubSpot, SmartBug Media channeled intent data into segmented marketing campaigns, using advanced data insights to customize outreach and hyper targeted ads, leading to more precise and effective prospect engagement.

This data included answering questions like:

  • What categories on G2 did they visit?
  • Did they browse our pricing page?
  • Did they look at our profile page?

From this data flowing into HubSpot and the data they also have from an Apollo.io integration and Influ2, SmartBug Media was able to push advertisements on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook with a 40-50% match rate.

“Once the targeted advertisement is displayed to that user and it’s clicked, we know who clicked the ad, what they already have in their tech stack, and which ad was clicked. From there, all of this information is sent to our sales team to start prospecting,” Lackey explains.

And even though these users aren’t filling out forms, SmartBug Media is able to get in front of these users fast and serve them the right kind of ads depending on their stage in the funnel.

Using G2 reviews in advertisements

In addition to making the most of intent data, SmartBug Media also pinpoints which users are currently in the open deal stage in the sales funnel, targetings those potential customers with ads that highlight specific G2 reviews showcasing satisfied SmartBug clients.

These advertisements with G2 reviews, along with ads from Buyer Intent Data, are types of what Lackey calls micro impressions. “I want users to see these ads when they’re scrolling on their phone while they’re grilling dinner. Having users constantly see these ads are micro impressions that are crucial, especially to those who may be considering options of agencies to work with,” Lackey explains.

Ultimately, these advertisements showcase just how effective their strategy and execution is.

 "We want users to think ‘I want to target my buyers as well as SmartBug Media is targeting me'".

Stephen Lackey
VP of Marketing, SmartBug Media

Results and why SmartBug Media believes everyone should consider G2 Buyer Intent Data

Since leaning into G2 Buyer Intent Data, SmartBug Media has seen incredible results:

  • 3,000% increase in reviews
  • Over 65,000 signals for HubSpot Consulting Services
  • 16,000 active buyer signals looking at SmartBug Media

If you’re considering G2 Buyer Intent, Lackey has some noteworthy advice. “Remember that your buyers are researching you before they’ll tell you they’re researching you. If you want to be in front of them and build trust, you need to be first to get in front of them.”

And in a world where you have to be faster and more precise for your potential buyers than all of your competitors, G2 Buyer Intent Data gives you the competitive edge you’ve been missing.


Lackey also notes the importance of reaching the coveted number one spot on G2 within your category. “If you’re a heavy hitter in your category, you need to fight for that number one spot, and when you do – the results are worth it.”

Do more with G2 data

SmartBug Media’s experience with utilizing G2 Buyer Intent is a perfect example of how companies can generate significant leads and potential revenue through targeted ad campaigns based on data-driven insights.

Lackey equates not utilizing G2 Buyer Intent Data to its fullest potential with a surprising, but appropriate, comparison. “When you buy G2 Buyer Intent you need to know what you’re going to do with the information. Don’t just sit on it without acting. If you do, it’s like driving a Ferrari in first gear – you can never pick up to full speed.”

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