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Intent Data 101: 
The Marketer’s Guide to Identifying and Targeting In-Market Buyers

You know the challenge: 95% of your market isn't ready to buy. How do you find the 5% who are?

Learn how intent data helps your team target active prospects, optimize spend, and gain a competitive edge.

Because with tight budgets, every marketing dollar needs to work overtime.

Download the guide

Your roadmap to intent-driven growth.


Master intent data basics & market precisely.

Learn the ins and outs of intent-driven marketing and how it helps maximize spend.


Leverage intent data strategically.

Not all intent data is created equal. Dive into the unique power of second-party sources and how to turn data into targeted action. 


Achieve revenue goals & validate wins.  

See why marketing leaders trust intent data to boost market share, plus tactics for measuring ROI. 

Learn more about buyer intent.

Smarter Targeting, Higher Conversion: Unlocking the Power of Intent Data

Chargebee Generates 280+ Leads in One Year With G2 Buyer Intent Data

Stop Marketing in the Dark: Reach In-Market Buyers With Intent Data

Ready to unlock more revenue with buyer intent?