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Unlock ROI: New G2 attribution and portfolio visibility


With longer buying cycles, shorter short lists, and smaller budgets, marketers are feeling the pressure: how can you see where your marketing truly resonates and drives results? It has become harder than ever to close the revenue attribution loop.

We’ll show you how. 

October 10 @ 11:00AM - 11:45AM EST

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See our latest innovations first-hand.

We’re showing off two new capabilities for understanding G2 ROI and portfolio performance.

First-of-their-kind marketing attribution integrations.

Connect the dots from G2 buyer activity to your revenue outcomes via DreamData, Factors.ai, and HockeyStack. Then double down on your winning formula.

Powerful management tools for multi-product portfolios.

Glean full-brand performance insights across the G2 marketplace on G2 Grid position, competitive sets, review trends, and more.

RSVP today.