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The hard facts about intent data

Whether you're feeling skeptical about intent data actually reveals or how it helps your revenue organization, you don’t want to miss this roundtable.

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Experts from Bombora, G2, and Ivanti break down:


What intent data is and what it isn’t


What intent data reveals and how it benefits your entire organization


Use cases for marketing, sales, and operations

Meet the speakers.


Kerry Cunningham

Senior Principal, Product Marketing

Kerry Cunningham has more than 25 years of experience in B2B demand generation and ABM, spanning a broad array of industries and markets.

Kerry is a thought leader in the design and optimization of B2B marketing processes, technologies and teams for a wide array of B2B products, solutions and services. For more than two decades spanning the gap between marketing and sales, Kerry has also developed a wealth of expertise in the alignment of marketing and sales organizations.


Krista Becker

Director of Global Digital Marketing (Paid Media)

Krista has over 20 years of experience in both B2B and B2C marketing. Currently leading Ivanti’s digital media activity, Krista combines the art and science of digital marketing to positively impact strategies and drive successful outcomes. She most recently spoke at the 6sense Breakthrough Conference in Frisco, Texas, on leveraging keyword intent signals to aid in customer retention efforts. She enjoys sharing educational insights and her love of all things digital marketing with cross-functional teams.


Hsiaolei Miller

SVP of Insights and Customer Success

As SVP of Insights and Customer Success at Bombora, Hsiaolei helps enterprise brands, agencies, and publishers operationalize data and transform their own go-to-market. Her background is in media and advertising, evangelizing data with everyone from the most storied print journalists to traditional risk-averse executives. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her wife, two dogs, and a lot of spreadsheets.

Rachel Gianfredi

Principal Product Marketer, Partnerships & Integrations

Rachel specializes in Partnerships & Integrations at G2 – her work is focused on building memorable and impactful GTM strategies fueled by partner ecosystem insights. With a knack for infusing her work with creativity and joy, Rachel measures her success not only by revenue, but also the harmony of cross-functional collaboration. When not working, she can usually be found hiking with her husband and dog, feeding her friends, or planning her next international adventure.

Watch the webinar.